A trust framework of regulated providers

The Open Banking Directory is the core infrastructure of our ecosystem – enabling participants to request and grant access to customers’ financial data in a secure, permissioned way via open banking APIs.  

Our team of experts is on hand to help.

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Join the ecosystem

Enrolling enables you to manage your company’s profile, digital certificates and the software statements you’ll need to connect with account providers. All the opportunities of open banking in one place.

About the Directory

Sign up to the Directory

This is where you can enrol and maintain the organisation that you represent and, if you have the appropriate roles, manage the digital certificates you need to transact securely in the open banking ecosystem.

Enrol now


Access the Open Banking Directory and Directory sandbox.

To log in, you will need to authenticate yourself via the PingID app, so please have this ready before you log in.


The Directory Sandbox

Test your service in the secure Directory Sandbox using dummy data.
– ASPSPs and TPPs can test their services in the Directory Sandbox.
– Technical Service Providers (TSPs) can use the Sandbox to test their open banking technologies.

Crown Dependencies Directory

Banks and financial institutions in Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man can also offer their customers access to open banking services through our Crown Dependencies Directory.

Crown Dependencies Directory

Secure entry point into the open banking ecosystem


Reliable support and expertise from our team 


Sandbox Directory available for testing

Mitigate against regulatory and reputational risk


We answer key questions about the Open Banking DIrectory

What is the Open Banking Directory?

The Directory is the key architectural component that enables third party providers (TPPs) to enrol onto the Directory and initiate interactions through APIs with account servicing payment service providers (ASPSPs). At its core, it is an identity and access management service providing identity information supporting natural persons, organisations and software identity classes.

The Directory will provide the necessary functional capabilities required for third party providers (TPPs) that successfully enrolled with OBL to identify and onboard with ASPSPs so that they can use the APIs provided by the ASPSPs. 

ASPSPs can utilise technical information contained within the Directory to validate organisation and software identity (active/inactive), QTSP validity and member state NCA register status (including passport information).

What are the main functions of the Open Banking Directory?

The functional capabilities can be broken up broadly into three capabilities:

Manage identities and access: The ability to issue and manage identity records for organisations and related natural persons that interact with the Directory.
Manage certificates: The ability to issue, manage and revoke digital certificates.
• Manage directory information: The ability to update and find information maintained in the Directory, either through APIs and / or a UI delivered as a web application.

What are some of the use cases for the Open Banking Directory?

You can find illustrations of high-level use cases in our developer zone here: High Level Use Cases

How long does the enrolment process take to complete?

Once we receive your enrolment form, we undertake some checks / validation and then enrolment can take a few weeks to complete.

Part of these checks include making sure your company has the right permissions under PSD2 i.e., that you are an ASPSP, AISP and/or PISP and, if you are a non-UK corporate entity, that you are authorised to passport into the UK. 


For support with enrolling onto the Open Banking Directory, technical queries or any other aspect of our open banking solutions, just email our service desk.

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